2012 年 6月,美佛会员大会后当时的会长继兴法师邀请我到庄严寺讲「弟子规」. 我于是提出可以建立中文学校传播中文和中华文化.庄严寺要成立中文学校的计划,得到了方丈法曜法师全力支持,并把校址订在和如纪念图书馆.
首先在日常生活中,要做到孝敬父母,友爱兄弟. 姊妹。其次在一切言行中,要谨慎,要讲信用。和大众交往时,要平等仁慈.要时常亲近有仁德的人,向他学习。以上这些事是学习的根本,如果做了还有余暇,更应努力地学习其他有益的学问.
中文学校于2012年7月16日正式开学,第一天只有三个学生。我重新拟定了一份招生计划并决定走出寺院开始在当地进行大量的宣传,终于在不懈的努力下克服了种种困难。到同年9月近四十名学生成为中文学校的正式学生。我在庄严寺创立中文学校没有任何经济上的报酬,但这不仅仅只为寺院和社区服务,也是为自己往西积累福慧资粮同时也把功德回向给孩子们希望他们健康快乐成长并学有所成。现在中文学校仍然面对很多的困难。但是,我相信中文学校在成长,而且在大家的齐心协力下会越办越好. 随着中国国际影响力的提升,引发了世界范围的“中文热”。中文学校在教授中文的同时,也成为向当地民众传播中华文化的一个窗口. 也希望通过这个窗口使更多的人认识佛教,不仅能感受寺院的清静和吉祥,更希望在这里能体验到人生的真谛。
会长菩提比丘曾这样讲到:在当今社会,中文对美国人来说可能是最重要的一种语言. 中文的重要性不仅有利于我们从事商务,经济及外交活动而且中文反映了伟大的传统精神,是中国的文化遗产的重要组成部分.这就是为什么我们庄严寺向当地居民提供学习中文的场所和机会.
2017年9月,为了满足不同宗教人士学习汉语的需求,中文学校迁址卡梅尔镇并更名纽约普特南郡中文学校(NYPCCS). 纽约普特南郡中文学校隶属于纽约普特南郡华人协会(NYPCCA)NYPCCS是一个非营利的教育和文化的组织机构。她不仅是一个高质量的教学机构而且以弘扬博大精深的中华文化和语言为己任并积极促进社区文化的多元化.
2020年由于疫情影响,中文学校改成远程教育。远程教育是以师生分离为基本特征,利用多种媒体系统地开展中文教育教学的一种教育形式. 远程教育为学生提供了更加灵活、经济和个性化的学习体验. 远程教育扩大中文教育规模.学习中文不仅可以带来实用的技能,还可以丰富你的生活,开阔你的视野。如果你有兴趣学习中文,尽管这是一项挑战,但它所带来的回报是无可估量的.我们欢迎更多的学生能够加入我们的学校.
2012 年 6月,美佛会员大会后当时的会长继兴法师邀请我到庄严寺讲「弟子规」. 我于是提出可以建立中文学校传播中文和中华文化.庄严寺要成立中文学校的计划,得到了方丈法曜法师全力支持,并把校址订在和如纪念图书馆.
首先在日常生活中,要做到孝敬父母,友爱兄弟. 姊妹。其次在一切言行中,要谨慎,要讲信用。和大众交往时,要平等仁慈.要时常亲近有仁德的人,向他学习。以上这些事是学习的根本,如果做了还有余暇,更应努力地学习其他有益的学问.
中文学校于2012年7月16日正式开学,第一天只有三个学生。我重新拟定了一份招生计划并决定走出寺院开始在当地进行大量的宣传,终于在不懈的努力下克服了种种困难。到同年9月近四十名学生成为中文学校的正式学生。我在庄严寺创立中文学校没有任何经济上的报酬,但这不仅仅只为寺院和社区服务,也是为自己往西积累福慧资粮同时也把功德回向给孩子们希望他们健康快乐成长并学有所成。现在中文学校仍然面对很多的困难。但是,我相信中文学校在成长,而且在大家的齐心协力下会越办越好. 随着中国国际影响力的提升,引发了世界范围的“中文热”。中文学校在教授中文的同时,也成为向当地民众传播中华文化的一个窗口. 也希望通过这个窗口使更多的人认识佛教,不仅能感受寺院的清静和吉祥,更希望在这里能体验到人生的真谛。
会长菩提比丘曾这样讲到:在当今社会,中文对美国人来说可能是最重要的一种语言. 中文的重要性不仅有利于我们从事商务,经济及外交活动而且中文反映了伟大的传统精神,是中国的文化遗产的重要组成部分.这就是为什么我们庄严寺向当地居民提供学习中文的场所和机会.
2017年9月,为了满足不同宗教人士学习汉语的需求,中文学校迁址卡梅尔镇并更名纽约普特南郡中文学校(NYPCCS). 纽约普特南郡中文学校隶属于纽约普特南郡华人协会(NYPCCA)NYPCCS是一个非营利的教育和文化的组织机构。她不仅是一个高质量的教学机构而且以弘扬博大精深的中华文化和语言为己任并积极促进社区文化的多元化.
2020年由于疫情影响,中文学校改成远程教育。远程教育是以师生分离为基本特征,利用多种媒体系统地开展中文教育教学的一种教育形式. 远程教育为学生提供了更加灵活、经济和个性化的学习体验. 远程教育扩大中文教育规模.学习中文不仅可以带来实用的技能,还可以丰富你的生活,开阔你的视野。如果你有兴趣学习中文,尽管这是一项挑战,但它所带来的回报是无可估量的.我们欢迎更多的学生能够加入我们的学校.
BAUS Chinese School Reflections
.Translated by Claire Liu
On this occasion, we joyfully welcome the 50th Anniversary of our arrival in the United States. This is also the Year of the Horse. Energetic, bright, warm-hearted, intelligent, hardworking, and magnificent—the spirit of the horse reflects the beauty of the BAUS and each of its contributors.
In order to influence the second generation of Chinese and America people, Venerable Dr. Bhikkhu Bodhi regularly holds English classes and lectures for Dharma comprehension, while Venerable Dr. Dhammadipa holds Sunday meditation classes and semiannual meditation retreats.
In addition, under Ven. Bodhi and Ven. Dhammadipa’s advocacy, help and support along with Sangha, board members, and staffs volunteers.Putnam County’s first Chinese school was established in 2012 in Chuang Yen Monastery. Three local newspapers published the good news. The Superintendent of Carmel School District, Dr. James Ryan was impressed with the program.
The BAUS was established in the United States in 1964 (The year of the Dragon). The New York Chuang Yen Chinese School was founded in 2012 (Also, the year of the Dragon). It may be a coincidence, or perhaps it’s inevitable historical development.
After the annual BAUS member meeting in 2012, the previous president Ven .Ji Xing invited me to teach "Dizigui" in Chuang Yen Monastery. So, I suggested that we could build a Chinese school that offers classes to spread the Chinese language and culture, in addition to “Dizigui.” The abbot Ven. Dr. Dhammadipa Sak fully supported the plan and sited the school in the WooJu Library.
The establishment of the school is not only fueled by passion, classroom experience, and entrepreneurial verve, but it is also fueled by the eagerness to improve in the future. In order to develop a program that is focused on differentiating from those of other Chinese schools, I choose a Chinese text book that is specifically designed for children who are not native Chinese speakers. It emphasizes listening skills, speaking skills, character recognition, and sentence expressions. The curriculum adheres to both the California World Language Standard (CWLS) and the Han ban Youth Learner Chinese Test (YCT) standard.
Chinese culture has been deeply influenced by Confucius, a great Chinese teacher and educator. His influence extends throughout the world even today. Di Zi Gui 《弟子規》 is the ultimate guide to a happy life. For thousands of years, this book has contained the recommended standards for students. Children should be well-disciplined and taught moral principles and virtues when still very young, as well as what it means to be dutiful to parents and respectful of teachers. In introducing this book, we hope it will serve as reference material and provide guidance for parents and children. Thus, future generations will benefit from it and society and our world will be at peace.
On September 16, 2012, there were only three students attending the Chinese school. I decided to spread this message to the public community not only the monastery. I had overcome many difficult situations. Today the school has expanded to serve forty students. Over the years, I have volunteered my time to build a sound foundation of the Chinese school. I’m doing this not only for benefit monastery and community, but I also hope that the merit of this program can be dedicated to the healthiness and happiness of the students and help me embark on the path of the pure land. Unfortunately, the Chinese school is still facing many difficulties. However, I believe that the Chinese school will grow and become better and better. I hope that more and more people will understand Buddhism, enjoy the monastic’s peaceful and greatest blessings, and at the same time experience the true meaning of life.
President Ven. Dr. Bhikkhu Bodhi has talked about how in today’s world, the probably most important language for everyone in America to learn is Chinese. China is now a major economic and political power, and he expects that in the future the relations between our two countries will grow even closer. Chinese is especially important not only because contact with China will serve in our business and economic interests, and help diplomacy and international relations, but also the Chinese language reflects the great spiritual traditions that have shaped the cultural heritage of China. This is why the Chinese language is promoted at our monastery.
Abbot Ven. Dr. Dhammadipa also hopes that the students, through learning Chinese and Chinese culture, will also be able to recognize the Dharma, to recognize the dharma distinguish good from evil and promote goodness, honesty, trustworthiness, and compassion to save the world and its spirit. Mr. Wayne Chang also importuned us to look forward to the early flowering seeds growing toward the sun.
And so we pray for the younger generation as we do for the lucky dragon flying in the clouds, and the justice horse galloping for ten thousand miles. We hope the wisdom of the ones before them transpire to them and that the Dharma will always be in their hearts. Let us unite as one, with enthusiasm, to make the world a better place in the Chuang Yen Monastery.
To meet the needs of different religious people to learn Chinese. Chinese School relocate to Carmel town and change new name as" New York Putnam County Chinese School (NYPCCS)in September 2017. NYPCCS is of New York Putnam County Chinese Association (NYPCCA).NYPCCS is a non-profit educational and cultural organization. She is not only a high quality teaching institution, but also has the responsibility to promote the profound Chinese culture and language and actively promote the diversity culture of community .
In 2020, due to the impact of the epidemic, Chinese schools transitioned to distance education. This form of education utilizes a variety of media to systematically conduct teaching, characterized by the separation of teachers and students. Distance education offers students a more flexible, economical, and personalized learning experience, significantly expanding the reach of Chinese education. Learning Chinese not only provides practical skills but also enriches your life and broadens your horizons. If you are interested in learning Chinese, although it can be challenging, the rewards are immeasurable. We welcome more students to join our school.
On this occasion, we joyfully welcome the 50th Anniversary of our arrival in the United States. This is also the Year of the Horse. Energetic, bright, warm-hearted, intelligent, hardworking, and magnificent—the spirit of the horse reflects the beauty of the BAUS and each of its contributors.
In order to influence the second generation of Chinese and America people, Venerable Dr. Bhikkhu Bodhi regularly holds English classes and lectures for Dharma comprehension, while Venerable Dr. Dhammadipa holds Sunday meditation classes and semiannual meditation retreats.
In addition, under Ven. Bodhi and Ven. Dhammadipa’s advocacy, help and support along with Sangha, board members, and staffs volunteers.Putnam County’s first Chinese school was established in 2012 in Chuang Yen Monastery. Three local newspapers published the good news. The Superintendent of Carmel School District, Dr. James Ryan was impressed with the program.
The BAUS was established in the United States in 1964 (The year of the Dragon). The New York Chuang Yen Chinese School was founded in 2012 (Also, the year of the Dragon). It may be a coincidence, or perhaps it’s inevitable historical development.
After the annual BAUS member meeting in 2012, the previous president Ven .Ji Xing invited me to teach "Dizigui" in Chuang Yen Monastery. So, I suggested that we could build a Chinese school that offers classes to spread the Chinese language and culture, in addition to “Dizigui.” The abbot Ven. Dr. Dhammadipa Sak fully supported the plan and sited the school in the WooJu Library.
The establishment of the school is not only fueled by passion, classroom experience, and entrepreneurial verve, but it is also fueled by the eagerness to improve in the future. In order to develop a program that is focused on differentiating from those of other Chinese schools, I choose a Chinese text book that is specifically designed for children who are not native Chinese speakers. It emphasizes listening skills, speaking skills, character recognition, and sentence expressions. The curriculum adheres to both the California World Language Standard (CWLS) and the Han ban Youth Learner Chinese Test (YCT) standard.
Chinese culture has been deeply influenced by Confucius, a great Chinese teacher and educator. His influence extends throughout the world even today. Di Zi Gui 《弟子規》 is the ultimate guide to a happy life. For thousands of years, this book has contained the recommended standards for students. Children should be well-disciplined and taught moral principles and virtues when still very young, as well as what it means to be dutiful to parents and respectful of teachers. In introducing this book, we hope it will serve as reference material and provide guidance for parents and children. Thus, future generations will benefit from it and society and our world will be at peace.
On September 16, 2012, there were only three students attending the Chinese school. I decided to spread this message to the public community not only the monastery. I had overcome many difficult situations. Today the school has expanded to serve forty students. Over the years, I have volunteered my time to build a sound foundation of the Chinese school. I’m doing this not only for benefit monastery and community, but I also hope that the merit of this program can be dedicated to the healthiness and happiness of the students and help me embark on the path of the pure land. Unfortunately, the Chinese school is still facing many difficulties. However, I believe that the Chinese school will grow and become better and better. I hope that more and more people will understand Buddhism, enjoy the monastic’s peaceful and greatest blessings, and at the same time experience the true meaning of life.
President Ven. Dr. Bhikkhu Bodhi has talked about how in today’s world, the probably most important language for everyone in America to learn is Chinese. China is now a major economic and political power, and he expects that in the future the relations between our two countries will grow even closer. Chinese is especially important not only because contact with China will serve in our business and economic interests, and help diplomacy and international relations, but also the Chinese language reflects the great spiritual traditions that have shaped the cultural heritage of China. This is why the Chinese language is promoted at our monastery.
Abbot Ven. Dr. Dhammadipa also hopes that the students, through learning Chinese and Chinese culture, will also be able to recognize the Dharma, to recognize the dharma distinguish good from evil and promote goodness, honesty, trustworthiness, and compassion to save the world and its spirit. Mr. Wayne Chang also importuned us to look forward to the early flowering seeds growing toward the sun.
And so we pray for the younger generation as we do for the lucky dragon flying in the clouds, and the justice horse galloping for ten thousand miles. We hope the wisdom of the ones before them transpire to them and that the Dharma will always be in their hearts. Let us unite as one, with enthusiasm, to make the world a better place in the Chuang Yen Monastery.
To meet the needs of different religious people to learn Chinese. Chinese School relocate to Carmel town and change new name as" New York Putnam County Chinese School (NYPCCS)in September 2017. NYPCCS is of New York Putnam County Chinese Association (NYPCCA).NYPCCS is a non-profit educational and cultural organization. She is not only a high quality teaching institution, but also has the responsibility to promote the profound Chinese culture and language and actively promote the diversity culture of community .
In 2020, due to the impact of the epidemic, Chinese schools transitioned to distance education. This form of education utilizes a variety of media to systematically conduct teaching, characterized by the separation of teachers and students. Distance education offers students a more flexible, economical, and personalized learning experience, significantly expanding the reach of Chinese education. Learning Chinese not only provides practical skills but also enriches your life and broadens your horizons. If you are interested in learning Chinese, although it can be challenging, the rewards are immeasurable. We welcome more students to join our school.